<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:opensearch="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/" xmlns:s="http://jadedpixel.com/-/spec/shopify"> <id>https://www.jrfabrication.co.uk/blogs/projects.atom</id> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.jrfabrication.co.uk/blogs/projects"/> <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.jrfabrication.co.uk/blogs/projects/tagged/ourstory.atom"/> <title>JRDF - Thoughts & Updates</title> <updated>2023-01-18T11:15:45-05:00</updated> <author> <name>JRDF</name> </author> <entry> <id>https://www.jrfabrication.co.uk/blogs/projects/christmas-greycat</id> <published>2019-01-12T19:00:00-05:00</published> <updated>2020-08-16T18:45:17-04:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.jrfabrication.co.uk/blogs/projects/christmas-greycat"/> <title>A Belated Merry Christmas from JRD+F</title> <author> <name>Kally Wilde</name> </author> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<span>We want to tell you about a cool little project we've been working on for the last few months, and while we weren't under NDA for this one we still couldnt talk about it - this time in case CIG found out.</span><p><a class="read-more" href="https://www.jrfabrication.co.uk/blogs/projects/christmas-greycat">More</a></p>]]> </summary> <content type="html"> <![CDATA[<p>We want to tell you about a cool little project we've been working on for the last few months, and while we weren't under NDA for this one we still couldnt talk about it - this time in case CIG found out.</p> <h4>The Inspiration</h4> <p>Inspired by the dioramas on the Kraken model at CitizenCon (and our desire to do something cool for the guys who work tirelessly behind the scenes at CIG) we started planning an awesome Christmas present for them.</p> <p>The Greycat has a special place in the hearts of those of us who have been fans and backers since the early days. So JR set about taking apart the greycat model to reprint.</p> <p>We’d learned a lot from the Kraken and had a lot of failed prints due to the complexity of the model so decided to go a wee bit bigger, settling on 1:40 scale.</p> <p>We wrote our list and checked it twice, as we tried to work out who'd been naughty or nice. Eventually, we agreed on 18 deserving peeps (it didn't sound that much back then) but that's 36 chairs and 72 wheels - not accounting for spares. Did you know that each wheel has brake discs and springs? And they're different on each wheel? The beautiful complexity of StarCitizen.</p> <h4>The Printing Begins</h4> <p>Once we're into production, we're into Kals' territory, so after some test prints and minor alterations it was time to print the models. 170hours later, the component pieces were printed. Then it’s onto post-processing - washing in IPA (no not beer) and curing under UV light, before Kals could remove the scaffolding and supports and carefully package them up.</p> <h4>The Painting</h4> <p>Off they went in the post to Wales for Tim (aka @Myzrable_G) to work his magic on their paint jobs. He rose to the challenge as we knew he would - even though some of the pieces were so light the airbrush blew them all over the place. Each Greycat was accurate to the in-game model but Myz was able to devise different paint schemes for the drivers, so that no office has two drivers in the same colour scheme.</p> <p>Myz then had the challenge of putting the models together for their final lacquer coat before sending back to us in Scotland.</p> <p>The next stage was the plinths for the GreyCat to sit on. Adam (aka @TheMoistNoodle, the newest member of this crazy team) was in charge of the "environment". After some experiments with different materials, we settled on a gravel deck with grasses to complete the model.</p> <h4>The Packaging</h4> <p>Finally packaging. Our list had people from CIG offices across the globe (Austin, Frankfurt, LA and Wilmslow) so we knew the Greycats had to be packaged well to survive. You'll know from our previous projects a boring box or crate just wasn't going to cut it. Adam took to this final project with gay abandon.</p> <p><br>All that was left was a numbered Certificate of Authenticity; signed by Ben Curtis, Props Director at CIG and Kals Wilde, General Operations Director at JR Design & Fabrication. And they were ready to risk the postal system.<br><br>Sidenote: All 18 travelled without issue and have now arrived safely at their final destinations. The reactions were amazing:</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thanks for the gift! <a href="https://t.co/WxTej3aRtb">pic.twitter.com/WxTej3aRtb</a></p>— John Crewe (@_johncrewe) <a href="https://twitter.com/_johncrewe/status/1084535988142174208?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 13, 2019</a> </blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> <p> </p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p lang="en" dir="ltr">Shoutout to @_JR_DF_ for this epic Christmas gift! The attention to detail is insane! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/StarCitizen?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#StarCitizen</a> 🚀 <a href="https://t.co/KhpXtMPHs0">pic.twitter.com/KhpXtMPHs0</a></p>— Tyler Witkin (@CaptainZyloh) <a href="https://twitter.com/CaptainZyloh/status/1087777494906871809?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 22, 2019</a> </blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p lang="en" dir="ltr">This was waiting for me on my first day back this year - much better than the man cold i also got!!! @_JR_DF_ <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/StarCitizen?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#StarCitizen</a> <a href="https://t.co/D5pIXB0ksi">pic.twitter.com/D5pIXB0ksi</a></p>— Paul Jones (@PaulJonesAD) <a href="https://twitter.com/PaulJonesAD/status/1084941222693752837?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 14, 2019</a> </blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>]]> </content> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.jrfabrication.co.uk/blogs/projects/supporting-the-cons-pariverse</id> <published>2018-10-22T19:00:00-04:00</published> <updated>2021-02-17T06:09:32-05:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.jrfabrication.co.uk/blogs/projects/supporting-the-cons-pariverse"/> <title>Supporting the Cons - Pari'Verse</title> <author> <name>Kals Wilde</name> </author> <content type="html"> <![CDATA[<p>In case you haven't read what happened in Germany, check out our post on CON42. Then just 48hours after getting back from CON42, we headed to Austin Texas for CitizenCon2948, which is a whole other story in itself (more on that soon).</p> <h4>Pari'Verse</h4> <p>So JR & Kals arrived in Paris straight from Austin on Saturday morning. Bob had arrived the night before and done an awesome job of setting up for us. The Port Olisar desk was back but this time as the administration desk for citizens coming in. The wing commander units were back in operation and saw plenty of action throughout the day.</p> <p>We had been approached to provide an item of memorabilia for the 50 Imperator tickets and given the 600i featured on the PariVerse logo we decided on a 1:1000 model of a 600i on a polished cast resin base. Given that no-one knew what the item of memorabilia they were getting we were amazed when they sold out in less than a week. And yes, the ships glow under UV light so if you were lucky enough to get one, go get yourself a blacklight :D</p> <p>And as usual, there was plenty of swag and merch available but mostly we were blown away to be given our own thank you gift to take away. Its awesome and will take pride of place in the workshop with our growing collection of posters.</p> <p>Thank you Lisalys :*</p> <p>Finally, JR and Bob got a bit caught up in a fan project, a very addictive game it is too. Love it Sarath! </p> <p>Thank you Paris, and special thanks go to Silki for the smooth leadership for the event and the rest of the volunteers who helped out. Personal thanks go to Ribartex for being our companion for the day and αstartes for calming my nerves before I went on stage. And thanks again to Lisalys for our plaque. You're all awesome. Thank you. *hugs*</p> <p>So a bit of a whistlestop tour but that's its for the CONs this year, we're focussing on getting some cool fridge crates out the door, a couple of PC crates and a desk or two. As well as some smaller products to help bring the verse into your homes. Plus we have great plans for next year's Cons starting with BritizenCon in April. Watch this space</p>]]> </content> </entry> <entry> <id>https://www.jrfabrication.co.uk/blogs/projects/artek-gss</id> <published>2017-05-09T19:00:00-04:00</published> <updated>2020-08-16T18:58:36-04:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.jrfabrication.co.uk/blogs/projects/artek-gss"/> <title>ARTEK GSS BritizenCon Build</title> <author> <name>JR</name> </author> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[JRs first dip Into Star Citizen builds was a fan project which he took to BritizenCon2017; He built the Greycat Artek GSS Spacesuit locker from Port Olisar. And even went on to win MVP for it.<p><a class="read-more" href="https://www.jrfabrication.co.uk/blogs/projects/artek-gss">More</a></p>]]> </summary> <content type="html"> <![CDATA[<p>It was very much a spur of the moment idea to put together a build for BC2017 but I certainly don't regret the grind of getting it ready for the event. Like most of my other work, it is built completely of high grade furniture birch ply, CNC machined finished and coated with the AC2 paint system for a very tough, durable finish. This piece has since been to and from several events across Europe and in the interim has lived at the Foundry 42 office in Wilmslow and still looks as slick as it did when it came out of the paint shop.</p> <h4>How? Lots And Lots Of Reference Pictures</h4> <p>As this was undertaken before I started working with CIG I didn't have the luxury of starting with the in-game asset, so the first step was taking plenty of screenshots as reference pictures.</p> <h4>Build Process & Materials</h4> <p>Using the screenshots as a guide, along with a bit of guess work, I was able to re-draw the model from scratch, always considering the build method to keep the next phase as simple as possible.</p> <p>The model could then be broken down and toolpaths designed with each part made of a combination of 9, 12 and 18mm birch ply.</p> <p>With the toolpaths done, the milling could begin. This build had a nice balance of 2.5D and 3D parts, making the cut time not too painful.</p> <p>Birch ply is a nice material to work with, tough to sand evenly due to cross laid grains, but the structural stability more than makes up for that. The unit is built in two halves to allow easier transport.</p> <h4>The Finishing Touches</h4> <p>Once it hit the paint shop it soon started to look more like the real thing, and when the decals, lights and screen are in, it really did look the part.</p> <p>Al of the lights can be controllod by a remote, allowing for futureproofing and any changes to the colours.</p> <h4>Then To BritizenCon</h4> <p>All that was left was to take it to BritizenCon, following which I was awarded MVP, and here’s the moment Disco Lando announced it - sorry (not sorry) about my ingame handle Disco, its so that when I play I can play and not be “big_jr”.</p>]]> </content> </entry> </feed>