Some of you may know that the JRD+F journey started (with “that yellow cupboard”) at BritizenCon 2017 and its been pretty much full-on Star Citizen® since then. As a result, the fan organised events hold a special place in our hearts and we do our best to support them, so when we were asked to attend CON42 in Frankfurt and then PariVerse 5 weeks later we jumped at the chance. What we didn’t know at that point was that CIG wanted us to build a RealWorld size Dragonfly and a 1:72 scale Kraken (with full dioramas) for CitizenCon smack bang in the middle that. Even so, we did our best. And had a blast doing it.


So the day the crates left for Austin, JR and Kals headed to Frankfurt, where they met with Shawn the final member of the team for the job. And what a flying visit it was, set up, event, derig, a day to chill and then a meeting with CIG (first time for Kals in the Frankfurt office) on the way back to the airport. Well worth it though.

So what could you do?

In the main hall, the Port Olisar desk we made for BritizenCon 2018 had its second outing with new branding. She looked awesome on stream for the panels throughout the day. JR and Kals were even on stage for a wee panel of their own.

Out in the vendor hall, the Wing Commander units saw lots of attention in pride of place in the centre “no-one puts baby in a corner” No, not a fan of dirty dancing references? Oh well, moving on. We were blown away by the sheer number of vendors, the organisation of the event and how slick everything was. Loads of things to do and try, it was great. We even came away with “John” and “Kalila” in Xian (Thanks Chris).

Test your Knowledge

Tacyrll and his team organised a scavenger hunt where citizens needed to speak to the vendors and get the correct answer to a question, cue lots of Germans asking us if we made sofas? Once we worked out what was going on it was great fun, and a great opportunity to speak to people. Not that we needed an excuse but a great ice breaker.

We swung by the Frankfurt office on our way to the airport and it was great to see the desks we made for GamesCom last year in use in the meeting room.

Thank you Frankfurt. And thank you Tacryll, it really was an awesome event and you did a grand job looking after us.

Then it was back in the UK for last minute prep for Austin and PariVerse (we were flying straight from Austin to Paris).

Find out what happened in Paris...

Kals Wilde
Tagged: events FanCon