Problems with Shipping

If you've been around us long enough, you will know that neither JR nor I like to make excuses. We always tried our best to be honest, upfront and decent....
Kals Wilde
"Out of Stock" versus "No Longer Available"

"Out of Stock" versus "No Longer Available"

All of our kits are limited to 500 and here we explain the difference between Out of Stock and No Longer Available.
Kals Wilde
Unboxing JRDF

Unboxing JRDF

Love your kit? Share the love! 2020 was a strange year. 2021 isn’t shaping up to be that different. One thing we’ve really missed is events and our favourite bit...
Kals Wilde
Drake Dragonfly Model Painted by Thénon

Introducing our first JRDF Paint Competition! - Rules and More

We're proud to announce our first ever Quarterly Painting Competition! Check out this post for more information.
Jerry "Myre" OB
Reasons for Resin

Reasons for Resin

When we set out with this project, our goal was to make the Ultimate kit model, complete with interchangeable guns, flight modes where necessary etc. just like in the game. In this post we explore the journey that we have undertaken to get our models to the quality they are Today!
Jerry "Myre" OB
Last Call for Christmas Orders!

Last Call for Christmas Orders!

In the spirit of the season, existing customers will be entered into a Christmas draw for 100 pounds worth of store credit! New to the store? Not a problem! Head on in and grab a FREE raffle ticket!

Last Posting Dates are drawing near fast! Check this blog to find how long you have to make your order this year!

Kals Wilde
A Belated Merry Christmas from JRD+F

A Belated Merry Christmas from JRD+F

We want to tell you about a cool little project we've been working on for the last few months, and while we weren't under NDA for this one we still couldnt talk about it - this time in case CIG found out.
Kally Wilde
CitizenCon 2948 - The Call of a Dragonfly

CitizenCon 2948 - The Call of a Dragonfly

Way back in January we had a conversation with CIG “CitizenCon is in Austin this year so we’re good.” “Aye, it would be crazy for us to build something and ship it to the US.” Fast forward a few months and the call came in with the request to make a full size dragonfly. Forget the crazy, we were in.

Kally Wilde
Supporting The Cons - CON42

Supporting The Cons - CON42

Some of you may know that the JRD+F journey started (with “that yellow cupboard”) at BritizenCon 2017 and its been pretty much full-on Star Citizen® since then. As a result,...
Kals Wilde
Supporting the Cons - Pari'Verse

Supporting the Cons - Pari'Verse

In case you haven't read what happened in Germany, check out our post on CON42. Then just 48hours after getting back from CON42, we headed to Austin Texas for CitizenCon2948,...
Kals Wilde
ARTEK GSS BritizenCon Build

ARTEK GSS BritizenCon Build

JRs first dip Into Star Citizen builds was a fan project which he took to BritizenCon2017; He built the Greycat Artek GSS Spacesuit locker from Port Olisar. And even went on to win MVP for it.