In case you haven't read what happened in Germany, check out our post on CON42. Then just 48hours after getting back from CON42, we headed to Austin Texas for CitizenCon2948, which is a whole other story in itself (more on that soon).


So JR & Kals arrived in Paris straight from Austin on Saturday morning. Bob had arrived the night before and done an awesome job of setting up for us. The Port Olisar desk was back but this time as the administration desk for citizens coming in. The wing commander units were back in operation and saw plenty of action throughout the day.

We had been approached to provide an item of memorabilia for the 50 Imperator tickets and given the 600i featured on the PariVerse logo we decided on a 1:1000 model of a 600i on a polished cast resin base. Given that no-one knew what the item of memorabilia they were getting we were amazed when they sold out in less than a week. And yes, the ships glow under UV light so if you were lucky enough to get one, go get yourself a blacklight :D

And as usual, there was plenty of swag and merch available but mostly we were blown away to be given our own thank you gift to take away. Its awesome and will take pride of place in the workshop with our growing collection of posters.

Thank you Lisalys :*

Finally, JR and Bob got a bit caught up in a fan project, a very addictive game it is too. Love it Sarath! 

Thank you Paris, and special thanks go to Silki for the smooth leadership for the event and the rest of the volunteers who helped out. Personal thanks go to Ribartex for being our companion for the day and αstartes for calming my nerves before I went on stage. And thanks again to Lisalys for our plaque. You're all awesome. Thank you. *hugs*

So a bit of a whistlestop tour but that's its for the CONs this year, we're focussing on getting some cool fridge crates out the door, a couple of PC crates and a desk or two. As well as some smaller products to help bring the verse into your homes. Plus we have great plans for next year's Cons starting with BritizenCon in April. Watch this space

Kals Wilde